Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Identity Guard - Reducing Fraud Incidents Effectively

Identity theft is a major crime that provides substantial payout with little possibility of getting caught by authorities. As the Internet era progresses, so do the abilities of the perpetrators of identity theft, which can victimize any individual regardless of their location on the planet. In 2009 alone, as Javelin Strategies have reported, more than 11 million American men and women became victims of identity thieves. This increasingly alarming rise in the number of victims is a highly valid reason for people to obtain protection from services like Identity Guard. Carrying on with the slipshod manners of dealing with finances through the Internet can doubly push these figures skywards.

The continued rise of the statistics is somewhat anticipated by many experts. But what is surprising is the fact that despite the constant warnings and reminders from authorities, many people are still oblivious and careless with their financial transactions. A lot of these people still perform financial transactions without making sure that the environment is a safe one. Additionally, many individuals are not the least bit skeptical with the apps they use in conducting such sensitive matters. To make matters worse, lots of folks remain sloppy with their habits that are connected with the safety of their identities. What most people fail to realize is that while identity theft is a rampant problem, it is something that they can truly avoid.

Identity theft prevention is possible. With a number of efforts targeted at curbing instances of theft, consumers can get themselves protected and safe from the terrible aftermath of stolen identities. Aside from getting protection services such as the one offered by Identity Guard, people can perform utterly practical things that seem so simple but are really effective in thwarting theft. One such way is to destroy paper and plastic trails. Getting a shredder may be one of the best investments made as it is an important instrument in the destruction of documents that bear sensitive information. For the best results, get a shredding machine that can be used for both paper and plastic.

Another effective way is through credit protection services. According to the Javelin research, individuals who subscribed to these services were found to have reduced their amount of losses due to fraud. The company's annual survey revealed that the victims who learned of the crime via their subscriptions to the protection services saw significantly lower amounts of filched money. These people were able to avert the possibility of bigger losses through the said subscriptions and by monitoring their accounts regularly. Their self monitoring activities and the added protection from ID protection services have prevented them from completely becoming victims of identity theft.

Therefore, it certainly pays to have the support of reliable protection services, such as Identity Guard. And when this is supplemented with vigilance from the consumers themselves, the odds of becoming identity theft victims are substantially lowered. To make sure of getting the suitable protection, always make it a point to obtain services from companies that have been providing dependable services through the years. In addition, take advantage of the practical tips that help in improving security.

Keidra's Law Degree Stolen And The Phantoms Laughed

Keidra was so excited. She had been accepted by the University of her choice. Even more excited were Keidra's parents. They had been paying money into a good safe investment college fund for sixteen years. Time to liquidate part of the money as Keidra was headed to school to become a lawyer.

Keidra's parents had been very meticulous about funding and keeping track of her future as an attorney. When the statements came to their mail box they were immediately opened and scrutinized. Keidra had been present for this family tradition from the time she was ten years old.

She and her parents planned a special dinner the night the first check was to be sent to the admissions office of the University. Keidra had envisioned herself walking across the stage with that final degree of accomplishment in her hand. She had envisioned as well the victory in passing the bar exam. Her life would be great with her dream becoming a reality.

What Keidra and her parents didn't know was that Keidra's identity had been stolen along with theirs. It was 10:00 AM, a hot muggy summer day when Keidra and her parents received the phone call from the University Staff. The check for Keidra's first semester had bounced. How could this be?

Keidra's family went into panic mode. Her parents checked their financials only to find that the majority of their money gone. They were good stewards of their money. They had worked and saved and invested with wisdom.

What they had not done was listen when there was a news report on the media about Identity Theft because it could never happen to them. Those poor souls that experienced such trauma were out there in the busyness of life.

Starting with the phone call from the University, Keidra and her family entered into a nightmare of hell that had been carefully planned and executed. Their Identity had been stolen and sold to only God knows how many people.

Their hope turned into hopelessness. Their life of happiness turned into a life of stressfulness and dark depression. The family unit was damaged to the point of seeking therapy. They could get very little help from anyone in law enforcement. Keidra's vision of becoming an attorney soon became the reality of being a waitress at a nearby diner.

Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the world. It takes years and many times a lifetime to recover. The key factor in Identity Theft is to hold on to hope. Anyone can start over regardless of age, stage, or condition. If we give up our hope, we allow The Phantoms Of Darkness to control our lives.

Is this what we really want to do? Live in the dark world of Phantoms? Envision your hope as a peaceful light of love around your world and allow that love to lead guide and direct you to a new and more productive life. You can do it! Learn how to recover and protect yourself. It just takes becoming aware.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Identity Theft - Key Actions to Take to Avoid It - Part One

It's a sad fact that identity theft and fraud is quite common today. In the last ten years it's estimated that over 50 percent of adults in the US have faced some form of identity theft. Here's a review of some of the common ways that you can have your personal financial information stolen and how to avoid them.

The biggest threat to anyone is probably the information that they already have online. However, this may not be information that they have knowingly placed there. It is information put there by companies with which they have obtained credit, or have otherwise done business. We read every week of a company whose records have been compromised, whose client/credit information has been stolen. There' s not much you can do about this, except to limit the businesses to you deal with to the best. Keep the number of business you share your financial information to the minimum.

Other forms of identity theft are under your control to a greater extent.

Never respond to phishing emails. This is an email that looks very similar to that you might legitimately receive from a company you have or might do business with. You might get an email from Chase bank requesting that you confirm bank information, etc. They request that you login to take care of some urgent business. It usually includes a logo similar to a real institution and a link to the website and sign-in screen. Of course, it isn't really from Chase, and most institutions are quick to say they will never send such an email. Don't respond to these emails. Don't click on the links. If you believe it might be legitimate then find the contact information of the institution independently and get in touch them separately.

Be very careful on mobile phones, since a similar scam occurs when entering some websites or applications. You enter a site and there is a popup screen requesting your email ID and password. People who are less familiar on a small screen or who are inattentive may enter this information thinking it is a legitimate request initiated by their phone. It isn't. Armed with access to your email account, they can comb through it for other IDs, accounts and passwords.

Be very careful on social network sites such as Facebook and others. You should have all your privacy settings set to the most private. Of course, you should not provide age, address and phone number information at all unless there is something critical you' d like to accomplish by doing so. Avoid revealing information that could be used as security access questions on other sites when you've forgotten your password. For instance, your pet's name or family history (mothers maiden name, etc.)

Don't use your email ID for any other important accounts. Especially don't use the same password with your email ID in another account. If they compromise your email account, they'll have access to the other accounts as well. In general, don't use the same password on many different accounts and sites. Obviously once they get the password, it's only a few short steps to get your accounts/ IDs, and then you'll be completely compromised.

Protect your Social Security number. Essentially, you should not give your SS number to anyone except where it is absolutely necessary. In some situations, where an institution already has your number, and wants to verify it, you can often simply provide the last four digits, and that's enough. In other cases, when applying for a loan, or anything requiring a credit report, they will need your social security number. The key here is to only apply for credit when you truly need it. More importantly, only deal with institutions you believe have a system in place to safeguard your information. You should never give it over the phone unless you are absolutely certain it is a trusted source on the phone.

Take your exact address off of your personal literature such as a resume and other documents where it is non-essential. Have you ever been asked for your zip code to verify a credit card purchase? If someone has your resume (with your address), and they steal your credit card separately, they can fraudulently make purchases. They wouldn't have been able to without your address. This is an example of how thieves can chip away at your identity information from different angles, and combine different pieces to steal from you.

To continue please see Part 2 of Identity Theft - The Best Ways to Avoid It at http://www.best-financial-advice.com

A Review of Krolls Identity Theft Shield Program   The Urgency of ID Theft Prevention   

Learn About Identification Theft

Because the dawn in the facts age, progressively more individuals are turning into victims of identification theft which generally ends in extreme financial losses and legal complications also. Generally, individuals imagine that they are going to certainly not be victims of the crime nevertheless the truth of the matter is the fact it may possibly take place to simply about everyone.

Simply because it's trash to you personally won't indicate it can't be utilized to steal your identification along with your economical details. Each time you throw a paid out credit score card invoice or maybe a pre-approved credit score card offer you from the trash, you set all by yourself in a bigger possibility of turning out to be a victim. Normally don't forget that any bit of paper which has your title and fiscal info on it could be a weapon from the arms of thieves who'll head to any duration, like rooting by way of your rubbish, to steal precious information.

Consumers really usually consider out their credit score cards or open up their wallets way in advance of their flip to buy the things they acquired. Simply because they don't have your genuine card will not indicate thieves can't make use of the quantity in an effort to steal from you. Generally be wary of individuals who appear to be much too shut for you inside the cashier line due to the fact there's a likelihood that they're attempting to consider a peek at your card data. Greater still, only consider out your card when it's time for you to purchase your products.

Should you fork out, your utilities applying the car debit or automobile credit score operate of the card, you ought to be apprehensive. Rip-off professionals can contact the utility business pretending to become you and inquire the consumer support representative to browse back again the card details to them mainly because "you" have forgotten which specific card you applied to purchase the invoice that month. Although it seems astounding, it basically transpires lots as well as utility enterprise is not going to even know it's got grow to be complicit in the considerable crime.

Many persons subscribe to specified expert services or products and solutions on-line and so they fork out with their credit score card every last month. You must never ever be much too cavalier about this mainly because your money details is usually simply stolen specially in case you certainly not verify your protection line of defense this sort of as passwords and verification amounts. If achievable, use Spend Pal or other on line payment processing mediums in order to avoid acquiring ripped off.

A Review of Krolls Identity Theft Shield Program   The Urgency of ID Theft Prevention   

Protecting Your Finances From Identity Theft

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes on earth today. It occurs when someone uses your personal information to commit fraud or engage in other unlawful activities. Consumers, businesses and financial institutions are losing billions each year due to identity theft protection.

If you're convinced it can't happen to you, and then you are wrong, think again. Anyone can fall prey to fraud and identity theft. Identity Thieves are really very creative and can use advanced techniques when they want something. They have realized the power of the internet. For those who are victims of identity theft, the costs may be significant and long-lasting. These thieves can run up debts in the tens of thousands of dollars under your names.

Identity thieves employ a wide array of tactics to steal your personal information, identity protection, the list is exhaustive. These frauds can target many of the major financial institutions and online entities at any time. Recently some high profile institutions are targeted almost continually. Large scale data breaches involve the compromise of personal financial information, such as credit or debit card account information of the customers and they use it mainly for "account takeover". Fraudulent emails ask major bank customers to log into a website and provide sensitive account information. This way these frauds can trick people into providing sensitive personal information such as credit card or banking details. Once they receive these information's, they may able to use it in a variety of ways. They can easily take over the victim's account after collecting information's like passwords, user names and account numbers and can directly access your account and do fund transactions and other fraudulent works from your account. They may use your credit card details to make purchases in your name. Apart from this, they can also commit a variety of fraudulent and other criminal activities in your name.

Other types of common methods that these frauds use to steal personal information or identity protection include dumpster diving, phishing, skimming, change of address and old-fashioned stealing. They may use your name and identity to do anything they want or need.

Child identity theft is another fastest-growing segment. If your child uses e-mail or social networking sites, it is very important to explain him about the risks of interacting with strangers and how important it is for them to protect their valuable personal information and identity theft protection.

There are different kinds of Identity fraud protecting insurance plans available from a number of banks for your bank account information's security. This comprehensive plan will protect your medical information; passport-driving license details along with your bank account details.

Being the victim of such theft can be extremely devastating. The best way to protect you is to stay alert and knowledgeable.

A Review of Krolls Identity Theft Shield Program   The Urgency of ID Theft Prevention   

Types Of Identity Theft Ripoffs - What Type of Identity Theft Ripoffs Are There?

The 5 Most Important Type Of Scams To Look Out For Today

1. Phishing E-mails- Regardless of whether you have Spyware programs, Firewall protection, or even the best Anti-Virus money can buy, there are many hackers out there who know how to by pass these systems. Therefore, collecting bits and pieces of information needed to begin breaking into many of your accounts, but mostly they use the information to create emails that look exactly like some establishments you may be doing business with. Example: Pay Pal Accounts, Banking Accounts, and even Medical Accounts. These emails ask for sensitive data and look legit but in fact are fraudulent. Please note that no bank, Pay Pal, or medical accounts will ever specifically ask you to enter your Social Security number or any personal account information through email. Do not respond to these emails, better yet, call the office line directly to the place of your business and notify them about these emails.

2. Spoofing Websites- These websites are just as dangerous if not more than phishing emails. A Spoof Site is a a fake web-site that could be offering a service, product, or free prizes, that look legitimate. Even the URL looks like the real website you were searching for. Crooks have duplicated these websites to look exactly like the real thing, so when you are submitting personal information to buy or receive certain items, you are in fact only submitting you credit card or personal information to an identity thief.

3. Charity Scams- Unfortunately, their are many major tragedies that happen all across the world, and many of us like to help if we can. The problem is that identity crooks also find these tragedies to be an opportunity to steal money for themselves. Most of the time this scam occurs through telephone or internet. These thieves purchase telephone numbers from 3rd party vendors and start soliciting phone calls to innocent people who think they will be doing a good deed, when in reality your donating to a thief. On the internet, it can be through a spoof site that may look like a charitable website asking for your donation, or they can begin sending emails asking for your help to donate for a certain cause.

4. Credit Card Readers- This one is so easy to pull off it's beginning to happen more and more. Many identity theft criminals can buy a card reader for under a 100 bucks, which is also known as Radio Frequency Identification Technology, or RFID. What this means is that these criminals do not have to pick pocket you in order to steal your credit/debit cards, or even your passport information. This Card Reader allows them to hold it in the hand looking like a small book. They only need to pass you by and the Card Reader will pick up your card number information through a radio frequency. THAT EASY! There is no way to stop it because you will never know who it is.

5. Restaurant Credit Card Scam- This is another easy one for identity criminals. We don't think about it much now, but you will after reading this. We sometimes pay for our breakfast, lunch, or dinner with our credit/debit cards, not ever thinking twice about handing the waiter/waitress our card to pay. Many restaurants have been sued by customers after realizing that wait staff had been making copies of customer credit cards when they head to the back to charge them. After making these copies, they usually use them for themselves or sell them off to other identity fraud criminals. Though it's tough to say if every restaurant experiences this type of fraud, it's easy to say that it is happening, and happening more often

In Conclusion...

Despite the fact of how much we may try to stop Identity Theft, it will never happen. The more our technology increases, the more windows of opportunity these thieves have. There are ways however to minimize the risk of Identity Theft but it comes with practice. Many people have this idea that it only happens to careless people, but the truth of it all, is that it can happen to anyone, even children. We don't like to praise thieves but these criminals are good at what they do, which is why it is important to become aware so that we may always stay a step ahead.

A Review of Krolls Identity Theft Shield Program   The Urgency of ID Theft Prevention   

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